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There are two categories for Booking Agency of the Year, split by number of employees.

Currently the division between the two categories is 21 UK employees, though in the event that a larger number of nominations are received in one category, we reserve the right to adjust this number in order to keep both categories balanced and give every nominee a fair chance on the night. This category is open to any booking agency with an active office in the UK.


Entry submissions must address the following criteria:

  • Details of the music roster represented by the UK office, including number and range of artists, and number of live shows booked in 2024 between 1 January and 30 September (max 200 words)
  • Outline any specific tours or activity undertaken this year which demonstrate the agency’s ability in building artists’ careers and commercial success (max 500 words)
  • Outline any specific changes, new initiatives outside of your core business, key hires or other activity that you believe would be of interest to the judges (max 200 words)
  •  Any endorsements from clients or others in the business that you would like to share (not mandatory – max 300 words)