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The judging process for The LIVE Awards is simple and transparent, and designed to ensure a fair and impartial route to determining the winner in each category.

After the entry deadline expires, the LIVE executive team decides on the shortlist in each category, which is then put forward for the panel of judges to anonymously assess. This process is guided by set criteria to impartially identify the eventual winners in each category.

Where categories are particularly competitive, or in the event of a large number of entries being received, we may ask for expert advice from relevant specialists.

The shortlist will be announced in the second half of October 2024.


Each category in The LIVE Awards will be decided by a small, invited number of senior industry professionals. To ensure there is no conflict of interest, and that each judge is qualified to assess each category, The LIVE Awards invites different judges for each award, though some judges may judge multiple categories.

In order to maintain confidentiality around the judging process, the identities of the judges will not be revealed. Judges remaining anonymous helps to ensure clear boundaries around the process.

It would be unfair to adopt a one-size-fits all approach to the various categories throughout The LIVE Awards, and so each award will be judged differently, based on the specifics of the category.

Each judge reads every entry on the shortlist in the category that they are judging, and judges are able to recuse themselves from scoring particular entries if necessary to ensure that the process is fair to all entrants. Judges will score each shortlisted entry against the specific criteria of each award.

To avoid lobbying or any influence from other judges or third parties, voting is private. Once all judges have marked the shortlisted entries, the scores are collated (and checked for any anomalies) to determine the winner.